вторник, 12 января 2016 г.

User Permissions and Permission Sets

There are Permission Sets for different users in RTC.
Administration -> IT Administration -> General -> Users, Permission Sets

There are 3 main Sets, which already exist: Super, Super (data), Basic.

If User has no permissions, he will not open RTC. Minimum Permission Set must be Basic. Then Admin cusomizes additional Sets. Only Super does not need some more Set.

Basic allows to run RTC and to open almost all pages.

Super includes absolutely all actions in all areas. It is impossible to edit this Set.

Super (Data) - this user can manage only data area: to create/edit/delete/post/setup data. This user does not have acces only to Administration -> IT Administration. Application Setup area available for editing. It requires additionally Basic Set.

If there is no user in database, everybody can open RTC and can do any action.

You can create your own Permission Sets and customize permissions.

Let`s create Permission Set: New -> Permission Set, Name -> button Permissions -> you can choose from All Permissions or you can do it through the button New.
There are such permission types: read, insert, modify, delete, execute, security filter.
You can choose Yes or Indirect or leave empty.
* if empty - the is no permission;
* if Yes - direct acces to the object;
* if Indirect - indirect acces to the object: ex., user can not open the table, but he can see data from this table on the appropriate page (if he has permission Yes for this page);
* if you can not edit permissions by types (Yes or Indirect) on the page, you can open the table from the Object Designer and edit data in the table.
There is a list of editable/not_editable values regarding the type of object:
** Table Data: Read, Insert, Modify, Delete - editable, Execute - not, Security Filter - editable.
** тип Table: Read, Insert, Modify, Delete - not, Execute - editable, Security Filter - not.
** тип Report: Read, Insert, Modify, Delete - not, Execute - editable, Security Filter - not.
** тип Codeunit: Read, Insert, Modify, Delete - not, Execute - editable, Security Filter - not.
** тип XMLport: Read, Insert, Modify, Delete - not, Execute - editable, Security Filter - not.
** тип MenuSuite: Read, Insert, Modify, Delete - not, Execute - editable, Security Filter - not.
** тип Page: Read, Insert, Modify, Delete - not, Execute - editable, Security Filter - not.
** тип Query: Read, Insert, Modify, Delete - not, Execute - editable, Security Filter - not.
** тип System: Read, Insert, Modify, Delete - not, Execute - editable, Security Filter - not.
* if the user has two mutually exlusive (both Yes and Indirect or empty) permissions, the priority will have the value Yes;
* Security Filter - allows to resrtict acces to the data, is active only for Object Type = Table Data (ex. it is possible to specify that the user can see information about only one Customer but not about other Customers). On every table there is it`s own set of filters;
* if the field Object ID has a value 0 (zero), permissions will be set for all of object of selected type (ex. Table, Report etc).

Function Copy Permission Set - copy the existing one, creating a new set. You can add, modify and delete permissions while creating new set with this function.

You can import excel-file with needed permissions. For this you need to have the corresponding file with mapping. I will tell about exporting, editing and importing the file.
Administration -> Application Setup -> RapidStart Services for Microsoft Dynamics NAV -> Configuration Packages.
Create new Pakage. Insert there two lines: 2000000004 Permission Set and 2000000005 Permissions.
Export: Actions -> Export to Excel.
Edit file: create Permission Set, add permissions.
Import back into the same package, of which we export.
New Permission Set is created.

You can create and edit permissions and Permission Sets in the tables - 2000000005 Permissions and 2000000004 Permission Set, which are run from Object Designer.

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